I provide a wide range of resources for use in the classroom and around school. My resources build on children's learning and consider the smaller steps children need to take to achieve the learning. My resources have a focus on 'mastery' style questions where possible, to develop children's critical thinking and reasoning skills. As a practicing primary teacher myself, I know how essential it is to have well organised lesson resources with engaging activities that focus on the learning.
I provide a wide range of resources for use in the classroom and around school. My resources build on children's learning and consider the smaller steps children need to take to achieve the learning. My resources have a focus on 'mastery' style questions where possible, to develop children's critical thinking and reasoning skills. As a practicing primary teacher myself, I know how essential it is to have well organised lesson resources with engaging activities that focus on the learning.
Self and Peer assessment forms to encourage children to critically consider the learning that they or their partner has achieved and give praise for these by identifying what has gone well. Children also become more aware of the presentation of their work.
Encourages children to think about giving constructive feedback to themselves or a peer and set a target to work toward next time. Children are much more engaged in remembering and responding to such targets.
Can be edited to include specific learning objectives or success criteria, hence this resource can be used for any lesson.
Helps you identify what children really know about their learning and how well they are doing.
A great edition to children's books to for book scrutiny or inspections, particularly in line with the 2014 curriculum.
Could support your marking, cutting down the time you spend on marking.
Used very effectively across KS2 and has really improved children's thinking about their own work. They no longer finish work and never look back over it again. It has really started children talking about their work. For less able children, a class discussion before hand about what learning may look like and possible targets to set has been helpful.
10 Round Quiz (80 questions) with certificates for each round and overall winner.
Round 1 - Weird and Wacky News (True or False)
Round 2 - Sports
Round 3 - Celebrities
Round 4 - Britain's Got Talent
Round 5 - In the News
Round 6 - Films
Round 7 - General Knowledge
Round 8 - Geography and the Environment
Round 9 - Making History
Round 10 - Photo Gallery.
Questions are engaging for children (KS2 or KS3). Questions cover a range of topics, from celebrities of interest to children, to events that are happening in the world at the moment that children should know about. A great opportunity for all the class to get involved and shine!
There is:
A quiz PowerPoint
PowerPoint with answers
Certificates (for each category and an overall winner)
Answer sheets for children to write on.
A set of 26 scenarios that children/ teenagers may be facing on social media to stimulate discussion/debate on what is and is not acceptable on social media.
Covers a range of scenarios, from making social media accounts private, to sharing photos, cyber bullying and fake new - plus much more. Some scenarios are a clear no-no, whilst some are less clear cut and some are acceptable.
Could be used as a set or to use over a period of time to keep e-safety fresh in the children's minds.
42 Mark test and answer sheet.
Ideal for year 4 in the Autumn term. Could also be used for year 3.
Tests children's knowledge on:
Using 'a' or 'an'
Past/present/future tense verbs
Identifying adjectives
Identifying verbs
Paragraph punctuation
Punctuating speech
Possessive 's'
Plural 's'
Time conjunctions.
Statements to help you with assessing children against the 2014 Computing Curriculum, or with setting targets.
There are separate documents for years 3 and 4, which break down the learning and help to show progress between year groups.
As the assessment grids help identify learning for children in each year group, they can also be used to guide planning, again to ensure progress between year groups.
Statements to help you with assessing children against the 2014 Computing Curriculum, or with setting targets.
There are separate documents for years 5 and 6, which break down the learning and help to show progress between year groups.
As the assessment grids help identify learning for children in each year group, they can also be used to guide planning, again to ensure progress between year groups.
Statements to help you with assessing children against the 2014 Computing Curriculum, or with setting targets.
There are separate documents for years 1 and 2, which break down the learning and help to show progress between year groups.
As the assessment grids help identify learning for children in each year group, they can also be used to guide planning, again to ensure progress between year groups.
27 mark SPaG test. Ideal for year 4 in the spring term. Answer paper and mark scheme.
Tests children's knowledge on:
Possessive pronouns
Use of Standard English
Past tense verbs
Fronted adverbials
Inverted commas
Subordinate clauses
Two lessons to help children understand remembrance day.
One lesson focuses on remembrance day itself, the other on the significance of the poppy - and the different types of poppy available today.
Both lessons are detailed and end in a choice of learning tasks. The lessons are well researched and informative.
35 mark SPaG test. Ideal for year 4 in the Spring term.
Tests children's knowledge on:
Correct use of to/too/two
Some Y4 curriculum spellings
Punctuating fronted adverbials
Creating expanded noun phrases
4 lesson PowerPoint. Lessons 1-3 have 3 differentiated work sheets each.
Lessons are generally 'sports' themed to engage and motivate boys, as well as girls.
The lessons develop and build upon children knowledge of using direct speech in their writing.
Each lesson initially recaps children's learning from the day before, prior to building upon it.
Lesson 1 - We are learning to identify and correct punctuation in direct speech. 3 differentiated follow up tasks included.
Lesson 2- We are learning to turn speech bubbles into direct speech. 3 differentiated follow up tasks included.
Lesson 3 - We are learning to choose verbs to describe how something is said. 3 differentiated follow up tasks included.
Lesson 4 - We are learning to use direct speech. Mixed ability, group task included, with 8 scenarios for children to turn into speech/ conversations after being read aloud by members of their group.
Peer assessment included as part of lesson 4.
If you only have a short period of time for SPaG, there is enough material to cover 8 sessions as each lesson PowerPoint has practise activities on it too. The tasks could be used on the following day.
Cross-curricular link - lessons also encourage children to be good team players/good sports.
Lesson 1: We are learning to understand what different types of communication are available on the internet.
Link to website for children to conduct their own research into types of online communication.
Some questioning to develop children's thinking, particularly around which types of communication are most useful for what.
Touches on being respectful, kind and polite online.
Choice of activity for differentiation.
Plenary is a self assessment, which is included.
Lesson 2: We are learning to understand the dangers of online communication.
Clear learning, with lots of questions to get children to consider how they communicate online, what is safe and what is not safe.
Video to hook children and show how communicating with strangers online can be dangerous.
Opportunity for lots of discussion.
Choice of activity for differentiation and plenary.
22 spelling lists for year 5 and 14 spelling lists for year 6.
Well organised. Each spelling list covers a specific rule from the year 5/6 curriculum. For ease of coverage, I have split the year 5/6 spelling rules and common exception words into two separate year groups. The bulk of the spellings are covered in the year 5 set, in order to give year 6 time to recap spellings from other year groups before SATs week.
Easy to use in class and can be used easily alongside lessons/ other resources for learning spellings. Also useful to help you identify spelling rules to teach.
Sheets can be sent home to help children with learning their spellings.
You may also like to use the year 3/4 sets for recap work.
A comprehensive scheme of work for children in years three and four to follow.
Clear teaching points, mastery questions and suggested resources/activities.
Links to 2014 Primary National Curriculum.
3 main areas of learning: e-awareness, online communication and searching the internet.
Very clear and easy to plan from to help children progress in this area and stay safe on the internet at school and at home.
30 spelling lists for year 3 and 30 spelling lists for year 4.
Well organised. Each spelling list covers a specific rule from the year 3/4 curriculum. For ease of coverage, I have split the year 3/4 spelling rules and common exception words into two separate year groups.
Easy to use in class and can be used easily alongside lessons/ other resources for learning spellings. Also useful to help you identify spelling rules to teach.
Sheets can be sent home to help children with learning their spellings.
These have also been used for recap work in upper key stage 2.
Get your school ahead of the game with lessons in online safety.
A comprehensive scheme of work for children in years five and six to follow.
Clear teaching points, mastery questions and suggested resources/activities.
Links to 2014 Primary National Curriculum.
3 main areas of learning: e-awareness, online communication and searching the internet.
Very clear and easy to plan from to help children progress in this area and stay safe on the internet at school and at home.
Lesson 1: We are learning to understand what different types of communication are available on the internet.
Link to website for children to conduct their own research into types of online communication.
Some questioning to develop children's thinking, particularly around which types of communication are most useful for what.
Touches on being respectful, kind and polite online.
Choice of activity for differentiation.
Plenary is a self assessment, which is included.
Lesson plan and PowerPoint included.
Lesson 2: We are learning to understand the dangers posed by online communication.
Learning focuses around using email safely.
Children learn about dangerous emails that trick you into opening them e.g. 'you have won a prize...'
A lot of learning is about the dangers of unknown attachments and the harm a virus can do to a devise.
Link to a video to hook children.
Lots of questioning to extend thinking and opportunities for discussion.
Two choices of activity for differentiation.
Two SPaG tests for year 4. Ideal for the summer term. Both include an answer paper.
Test 1 includes:
Direct speech
Indirect speech
Proper nouns
Subordinate clauses
Co-ordinating conjunctions
Subordinating conjunctions
Present tense verbs.
Test 2 includes:
Writing and punctuating fronted adverbials
Correct use of being/been
Converting indirect/reported speech into direct speech
Some year 4 spellings
Choosing appropriate co-ordinating conjunctions
Correcting tense
Correct use of were/where/we're
Using subordinating conjuncitons and writing a subordinate clause.
Assessment targets to help you plan and assess computing in years 1,2,3 and 4.
Split into 4 easy to follow categories:
Digital Literacy
Information technology
Programming and Algorithms
Two Y4 SpaG tests, which are ideal for the summer term. Each has an answer paper and mark scheme.
Test one assesses children on:
Correct use of to/too/two
Some Y4 curriculum spellings
Punctuating fronted adverbials
Creating expanded noun phrases
Test 2 assesses children on:
Possessive pronouns
Use of Standard English
Past tense verbs
Fronted adverbials
Inverted commas
Subordinate clauses